Join Our Reboot Your Marriage Challenge

Turn Your Marriage Around In Just 5 days!

See Dramatic Tacnsformation In Your Marriage In Just 5-Days

"Marriage Not All You Hoped For?"

Marriage can be the most beautiful experience in the world when you know how to navigate its challenges, but it can also be pure misery when you don’t.

I’m here to share the essential skills needed to transform your marriage from a place of pain and suffering into a source of happiness and joy.

It is possible…

Not only can it be done, but I’ve also helped thousands of marriages transform almost overnight!

I Guarantee Your Marriage Will Be Stronger, Healthier, And You'll Be Happier At The End of This.

Whether you're a couple working on this together, a woman without the cooperation of your husband, or a man without the cooperation of your wife, it doesn't matter. 

This challenge will improve your marriage... I GUARANTEE IT.

And all for the cost of less than one hour of marriage therapy!

It's Your Turn To Have A Happy, Fulfilled Marriage...

Here's What We Cover In The Challenge...

Session 1: How To Stop The Fighting Now

Nobody wants it. Stupid fights over trivial things create a constant atmosphere of walking on eggshells and negativity. It's toxic. I’m going to share with you how to put an end to the fighting once and for all.

Session 2: Toxic Habit That Destroy Marriages

If you only do one session, make it this one! There are four toxic habits that are incredibly destructive, and you probably don't even know you're doing them. I'm going to share them with you. This is literally life-changing information!

Session 3: Getting Your Spouse Onboard

Very rarely are both spouses at the same level of commitment when it comes to improving or saving the marriage. I’m going to share with you the secrets to getting your spouse onboard for a happier marriage.

Session 4: Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

Chances are, if the marriage is not great, stress, anxiety, and possibly even depression are present. I want you to find a place of "Unconditional Happiness." It's your turn to be happy.

Session 5: Alcohol And Marriage

Maybe you have a spouse with an alcohol issue, or perhaps you're struggling with alcohol or any addiction yourself. Alcohol is incredibly destructive. I’m going to show you how to battle this monster and overcome its hold having had personal experience with this issue!

Why Join Our "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge"

Because our "Marriage Recovery" process flat out works!

Not only that, it works significantly FASTER than any other form of Counseling/Therapy available today.

So why is Better Marriage so effective?

Because what changes a marriage at lightning speed is NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PAST!

It's AGGRESSIVELY seeking out and IMPLEMENTING NEW BEHAVIOR to shape the future…

It's really quite simple...

Change your behavior in the marriage...The marriage changes!

But here's the problem..."You Don't Know What You Don't Know!".

And with all respect...If you knew what worked, you probably wouldn't be reading this page right now!

So the #1 question I get asked all the time is "How Do I Know This Will Work For Me?".

The Answer is "Are You Willing To Change Your Behavior?".

If the answer is "YES"...Then 110% this will work for you :)

So here's my next question...

What have you got to lose?

I**'m offering a 100%, UNCONDITIONAL, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!**

Best case scenario...Your marriage is transformed for the better :)

Worst case scenario...You get your money back :)

Remember...It's action that changes marriages...NOT thinking about taking action!

You've got NOTHING to Lose, and YOUR MARRIAGE to Gain :)

Are You Seeing Any Of The Following Problems In Your Marriage?

  • Lack of Communication
  • Lack of Sexual Intimacy
  • Constant Fighting And Bickering
  • ​Cruel And Painful Words
  • ​Emotional or Sexual Infidelity
  • Ignoring Boundaries
  • Lack of Emotional Safety
  • ​Always Walking On Eggshells
  • No Respect
  • ​Lack Of Commitment

These Problems Are An Epidemic Among Couples, And They Will Not Go Away By Themselves...Will Will Address All Of These Issues.

It’s Cody here from Better Marriage, and I just want to congratulate you on reading this page as a first step to help you achieve the Marriage and Life you know YOU deserve.
But here’s the thing…
I’m sure you’re ready to see positive changes in your marriage…But…
For things to change, things have to change!
Sounds silly right?
You can’t keep doing the things you’ve always done, and expect things just to change for the better.
That’s madness!
Things will change, for sure, but usually for the worse!
It’s like a garden…

If you don’t tend to it, it will become more and more overgrown with weeds, and harder and harder to correct.
That’s the change that happens automatically, all by itself.
Hoping things improve is not a strategy for success.
Do you want that kind of random, degenerative change to show up in your marriage, and ultimately in the life of your children and family?
Would you prefer cultivated, purposeful, deliberate change to show up?
It’s up to you!
It’s a choice you’re going to make one way or another.
You either take control and start making conscious choices
Just get whatever shows up!
I like to think of it like the old proverb…
“When Is The Best Time To Plant A Tree?”.
20 Years Ago…
“When Is The Next Best Time?”.
My point is…
The past doesn’t matter, all that matters is WHAT YOU DO NOW!
So here’s the good news 🙂
You can quickly transform your marriage to experience…

  •  Emotional Safety 
  • Sexual Intimacy
  • Deep Connection and Communication
  • Deeper Levels Of Commitment​
  • ​A Shared Vision For The Present and Future
  • Clearly Defined and Respected Boundaries
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence
  • ​Plus Much More…

So I’ve 3 questions for you…

**QUESTION 2** What’s going to happen if you are in the same place?

**QUESTION 3** What’s your plan to change that?

**QUESTION 1** If you’re in the same place you are right now, (or worse) this time next year, or in 5 years…Are you OK with that?

The good news is we specialize in making sure you’re in a much better place.
We work with you and your spouse to create that plan to not just get excited about the future, but actually give you the skills to make it a reality.
We have the skills and over 17+ years of experience in TRANSFORMING MARRIAGES.

Here's What You're Going To Learn During The Challenge

Finally, You’re Going To...

  • Eliminate fighting, conflict and stress in your home, with our proven conflict resolution framework.
  • ​Learn how to communicate in a way that doesn't end in a fight.
  • End pointless and painful bickering.
  • No more walking on eggshells. 
  • Experience genuine love and connectedness again.
  • ​Increase sexual intimacy.
  • ​Rediscover mutual respect.
  • ​Get your needs met.
  • Resolve and end past hurts once and forever.
  • Restore broken trust.

 Our "Reboot Your Marriage Process” Is A Shortcut...You'll See Dramatic Results In Your Marriage In As Little As 30 Days...GUARANTEED

  • Marriage Is Hard
  • ​A Bad Marriage Is Harder
  • Divorce Is The Hardest

Choose your hard!
The decision you make will not only define the rest of your life, but your children's lives.
And the sad part is...
The vast majority of marriages can be saved...Especially if both parties are committed to a successful outcome.
Our goal is to quickly uproot harmful patterns (with our proven process), that are causing the problems in your marriage.
You see...It's NOT Your Fault.
Who taught you how to be successfully married?
The good news is that you can have a happy, intimate and supportive marriage.
Things can turn around.
You can be Happy, Fulfilled...AND Married :)

Our "Marriage Recovery Process” is a unique and highly effective approach to helping Couples develop the Skills, Strategies, and Marriage Success Blueprints needed to excel and thrive in every area of marriage...

Even when everything else you've tried has failed.

In Fact...Our average couple is able to Stop The Fighting, Rest, Intimacy, and Communication, And bring the Love...

And you can see dramatic improvement in as little as 30 days.

How Do Access The Challenge After I Join...I'm Pretty Busy?

Enjoy At Your Own Pace In The Comfort Of Your Own Home

This 5-session program is delivered digitally, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home.

  • Go at Your Own Pace: Complete the sessions at a speed that suits you, ensuring you fully absorb and apply the material without feeling rushed.
  • ​Revisit Each Session Anytime: Access the sessions as often as you like, allowing you to revisit key concepts and reinforce your learning whenever needed.
  • Tailored Learning: Skip through parts that don’t directly apply to your situation, focusing only on the most relevant and beneficial content for your unique circumstances.

Who's This For?

This Challenge Is Designed To Cater To A Variety Of Situations, Ensuring Everyone Can Benefit:

Couples Working Together: 

Strengthen your relationship by working through the program together, enhancing communication, understanding, and mutual support.

Men Whose Wives Won’t Participate: 

If your wife is hesitant or unwilling to join, you can still make significant strides in improving your marriage by applying the techniques and strategies on your own.

Wives Whose Husbands Won’t Participate: 

Even if your husband isn’t ready to participate, you can take proactive steps to transform your marriage and create a positive impact through your own efforts.

No matter your situation, this program provides the tools and insights needed to foster a happier, healthier marriage.

Hi, I’m Cody, Meet Your Marriage Coach :)

Before you even think about trusting me...Let me share a few things about myself...

Back in 2005 I was a very unhappy person, severely depressed to the point I couldn’t even get out of bed for days at a time.

Suffering from chronic anxiety...And totally lost.

I’d been in a series of painfully failed relationships, and to top it all off...I drank too much, too often!

I Decided Something Had To Change

I started to study “Relationships”, I got obsessed with it. Books, courses, seminars, coaches, literally anything that I could find that would provide the skills I needed to have a successful relationship.

Love Is Something You Attract…Not Command

I discovered that the secret to a successful relationship was to work harder on myself than on my spouse!

I had always blamed my spouse for the failure, I never thought for a second…Maybe I had something to do with it!

All my relationships had followed a similar pattern of failure, and what was the "Lowest Common Denominator" in all this?

The answer was me!

I could also see the same patterns in friends' and colleagues' relationships too!

Now I'm not saying you're to blame…Far from it!

What I am saying is that you have the ability 100% to change yourself, and ZERO% ability to make your spouse change against their will.

Fight the battles that can be won!

Learn The Skills

I learned the skills of "How To Have A Successful Relationship (and have been happily married ever since).
I learned how to communicate effectively.
I learned how to get my needs met while meeting my wife's needs.
I learned how to create a shared vision and purpose for our marriage.
Best of all, this is all learnable very quickly for anybody with a desire to do so.

I Could See Others Were Suffering

I could also see that MOST people around me were suffering too.

I knew there was a solution, I knew a different path and I wanted to share it.

You see…

Marriage is not a skill that is taught in school, and our parents most likely didn't do any better.

And that's why I do what I do…

You don't need to suffer, there is another way other than totally sacrificing yourself, or divorce.

Schedule a call now, and start the process of transforming not just your marriage but your life.

Proof This Actually Works

 Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any requirements or prerequisites to benefit from the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge?
No, there are no specific requirements or prerequisites to benefit from the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge." This program is designed to help anyone, regardless of their current relationship status or experience.

Whether you’re a couple working together, a man whose wife won’t participate, or a woman whose husband won’t participate, this challenge offers valuable insights and practical strategies that can be applied to improve your marriage. 

All you need is a willingness to learn and a commitment to making positive changes.
Will This Work For Me?
Absolutely. The "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" is designed to work for a variety of situations and relationship dynamics. 

Whether you're a couple working together, a man whose wife won’t participate, or a woman whose husband won’t participate, this program offers practical strategies and insights that can make a significant difference. 

The key to success is your commitment to applying the techniques and being open to change. Many have seen remarkable transformations in their marriages through this challenge, and we believe you can too.
How long does it take to see results?
If you follow our process, you’ll see an immediate improvement in your relationship (within 24 hours), and significant improvements within 30 days.

Ultimately, how fast you progress will depend on your level of commitment and participation.

We provide the support needed to progress at the speed you want.
What if my partner won't particiapte?
While having both partners involved can be beneficial, it’s not a requirement for success. 

The "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" is designed to help even if only one partner is actively participating. 

By applying the techniques and strategies yourself, you can still make significant improvements in your relationship. 

Often, positive changes in one partner can inspire the other to engage.

Many individuals have successfully transformed their marriages through this program, even without their partner's initial participation.
Is this faith-based?
Cody, the creator of the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge," is a faith-based individual and believes in the principles of his faith. 

However, the challenge itself is not evangelical and does not require any specific religious belief or affiliation.
The program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their faith or belief system. 

The focus is on providing practical tools and strategies to improve your marriage, regardless of your personal faith background.
What benefits will I receive from working with Better Marriage?
You’ll learn specific frameworks to end the fighting and conflict now, restore communication, recover trust, and increase physical intimacy.

You'll have the confidence to speak to your partner, knowing that it won’t start a fight, no matter what is happening in your life.

You’ll have detailed and specific frameworks on proven ways to communicate with each other, even with difficult subjects.
 Your personal coach will help you implement these changes into your marriage.

You’ll learn the root cause of why your relationship is failing, and how to uproot the causes once and for all

In short, you'll see dramatic and rapid transformation in your marriage.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there I've seen?
The "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" is unique because it offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to transforming your marriage. Here’s what sets us apart:

Action-Oriented: Our program focuses on real, actionable steps that you can implement immediately, rather than vague advice or theories.
Proven Methods: We utilize strategies that have been tested and proven to work for thousands of marriages, providing you with reliable and effective tools.

Comprehensive Coverage: The program addresses a wide range of issues, from communication and conflict resolution to dealing with stress and destructive behaviors.

Flexible Learning: You can complete the sessions at your own pace, revisit them as needed, and focus on the parts that are most relevant to your situation.

Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to improving their marriages, offering encouragement and support throughout your journey.

Guaranteed Satisfaction: We offer a 30-day, unconditional, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, so you can try the program risk-free and see the results for yourself.

Is this 1-1 Coaching?
No, this program is not 1-1 coaching. However, 1-1 coaching is available to graduates of the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge." 

We require you to complete the challenge first to establish a baseline of knowledge and understanding. 

This ensures that our personalized coaching sessions are as effective and impactful as possible, building on the foundation you’ve gained through the program.

Still Got Questions? Email

Enroll Now And Get The Following Bonuses

Reboot Your Marriage Retreat Workbook (Value: $47)

The companion workbook makeThe product also comes with a comprehensive workbook offering the following valuable benefits:

Easy Note-Taking: The companion workbook allows you to effortlessly jot down key points and insights during the sessions, ensuring you capture every crucial detail.

Enhanced Learning Experience: Follow along with structured exercises and activities designed to reinforce the training, making it easier to apply what you learn to your own marriage.

Actionable Steps: The workbook provides clear, actionable steps and practical advice tailored to your unique situation, guiding you through each stage of your marriage improvement journey.

Long-Term Resource: Keep the workbook as a valuable reference to revisit the strategies and techniques, ensuring ongoing support and continued success in your marriage.

293 Affirmations To Build A Strong Healthy Marriage (Value: $47)

As part of this comprehensive package, you’ll also receive the book "293 Affirmations to Build a Strong, Healthy Marriage". This invaluable resource offers the following benefits:

Positive Mindset Shift: Transform negative thought patterns into positive ones, fostering a more optimistic outlook on your marriage.

Empowerment: Feel empowered by daily affirmations that remind you of your worth and your ability to contribute positively to your relationship.

Mindful Presence: Practice mindfulness and stay present in your relationship, appreciating the small moments and gestures that build a strong bond.

Emotional Balance: Achieve greater emotional balance by focusing on affirmations that promote stability and harmony in your marriage.

Cut the B.S. - A No-Nonsense Guide to Happiness (Value: $47)

Also included is my #1 best seller, "Cut the B.S. - A No-Nonsense Guide to Happiness." T

Straightforward Advice: Get practical, no-nonsense advice that cuts through the fluff and gets straight to what really works in achieving happiness.

Real-Life Examples: Learn from real-life examples and success stories that demonstrate how the principles in the book can be applied to create genuine happiness.

Clear Action Steps: Benefit from clear, actionable steps that are easy to follow and implement in your daily life to enhance your well-being.
Proven Strategies: Discover proven strategies that have helped countless people eliminate negativity and embrace a more joyful life.
Quick Read: Enjoy a quick, engaging read that’s designed to provide immediate value and insights without wasting your time.

2 Tickets To Our Next Live Virtual Event (Value: $997)

You'll also recieve 2 Tickets to Our Next Live Virtual Event. Watch live or enjoy the replay!

Interactive Experience: Engage in a dynamic, interactive experience where you can ask questions, participate in discussions, and receive personalized advice in real-time.

Expert Insights: Gain direct access to expert insights and strategies from top relationship coaches, helping you navigate and improve your marriage.

Live Demonstrations: Watch live demonstrations of practical techniques and exercises that you can immediately apply to your relationship.

Exclusive Content: Enjoy exclusive content and sessions that are only available to event attendees, providing deeper and more comprehensive learning.

Motivational Boost: Receive a motivational boost from live interactions and energetic presentations, inspiring you to take proactive steps in your marriage journey.

Purchase with Confidence – 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We are confident that this challenge will transform your marriage, but if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day, unconditional, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. 

Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. Experience the program risk-free and see the difference it can make in your life.

Here's Exactly What You Get

  • Reboot Your Marriage Challenge (Value $1,997)
  • Reboot Your Marriage Retreat Workbook (Value: $47)
  • 293 Affirmations To Build A Strong Healthy Marriage (Value: $47)
  • ​Cut the B.S. - A No-Nonsense Guide to Happiness (Value: $47)
  • ​2 Tickets To Our Next "Marriage Recovery Live" ($997)

Total Value $3,135

Flash Sale

Join The Challenge Before The Timer Hits Zero And Save 90%


Only $1997 $197

"Cody Butler And Family"

Why You Should Do This Now and Not Wait

Prevent Further Damage: Addressing problems early can prevent them from escalating. The sooner you start, the easier it will be to turn things around and rebuild a strong foundation.

Immediate Benefits: Many participants start seeing positive changes within the first few sessions. Why wait to experience a happier, healthier marriage?

Limited Time Offer: Opportunities like this don’t come around often. Take advantage of our current offer and secure your spot in the program before it fills up.

Risk-Free Guarantee: With our 30-day, unconditional, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Try the program and see the results for yourself without any financial risk.

Don’t et indecision hold you back from experiencing the marriage you deserve. Join the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and joyful relationship.

P.S. Don’t let indecision keep you stuck in a cycle of frustration and unhappiness. The "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" offers you a proven path to transforming your relationship.  With our 30-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Take the first steps today towards a happier, healthier marriage.

P.P.S. Remember, opportunities like this don’t come around often. By joining now, you can take immediate action and start seeing positive changes in your marriage.  Don’t wait—secure your spot in the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge" and begin your journey to a better relationship today!

P.P.P.S. Consider this: the cost of just one therapy session can be $300 or more, and often, it takes multiple sessions to see any real progress. With the "Reboot Your Marriage Challenge," you get comprehensive, actionable guidance for a fraction of that cost. Plus, you have the flexibility to revisit the material as often as you need, ensuring lasting value and continuous improvement in your marriage. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in a happier, healthier future together.

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